Tłumaczenia Mickiewicz
Professional translations in many languages
flaga polski
flaga anglii
flaga niemiec
Sworn translator of German Leszek Adam Mickiewicz
Translator of English Monika Maria Mickiewicz
The English language service has come into the company offer towards the end of 2010.

The translations in the Polish - English language pair are made by Monika Maria Mickiewicz, the graduate of the theology at Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II in Lublin and postgraduate studies in making translations at Lingwistyczna Szkoła Wyższa in Warszawa

In this language pair we have qualifications to make uncertified translations. In the future we plan to extend our offer to possibility of making certified translations. However, today we can also provide our clients certified translations, which on our request were made by the sworn translators of English.

I case of big translation projects and very limited time of realisation, we can subcontract some parts of translation to other trustworthy translators of English.
© 2014
Tłumaczenia Mickiewicz